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Angel Tree is a holiday assistance program in which an individual or group sponsors a child “Angel” and purchases new toys, clothing, shoes, or gift cards for children ages 0-12. Every Christmas there are children who do not receive gifts because their families cannot afford the expense. Especially this year, The Salvation Army is serving more working families who never expected to need help and now cannot keep up financially due to inflation and rising food costs.
New this year: Along with a merry Christmas for children, we are giving the gift of financial literacy to the parents! Families who have been in the Angel Tree program for multiple years will be taking FREE financial literacy classes thanks to Northwest Federal Credit Union.
Interested in registering your child/children to receive Angel Tree Gifts? Please click here or call (202) 756-2600 for more information.
We’re Unwrapping Christmas Early:
Traditional Sponsorship: Sponsor elves purchase the Angels wish list items, bag them (using materials provided) drop off in person at the Angel Tree warehouse. We provide complimentary pick up for 40+ Angels.
Direct Shipping: Sponsor elves purchase the Angels wish list items, online and have them shipped directly to the Angel Tree warehouse. Please ensure shipping information follows guidelines given for shipping.
Please ensure that all items ship in one box: when items arrive separately for children, we cannot guarantee they will go to your specific Angel. We will accept the gifts and they will be used for a child in need but if they arrive in separate boxes, we can’t guarantee they will go to your specific Angel.
For additional ways to support Angel Tree, please reach out to:
Ruth Mwanza
Community Outreach Manager
[email protected]
Your participation is critical. Click your preferred county below to get started.
D.C. (Individual Sponsors) D.C. (Group Sponsors)
Volunteer at our Angel Tree Warehouse! We host individuals and group volunteers each weekday from November 01 – December 16th to sort and distribute the gifts for thousands of children.
Please click here to view the Sponsorship Manual. This is for DC only.
Please click here to view the packing quick guide. This is for DC, Waldorf, and Prince William County only.